Saturday, July 9, 2011

Here's my house!

Alright, so I know I'm in big trouble for not posting in forever! Mostly I just feel like I don't have anything to exciting to post about. It is for sure an experience to be here. We finally got a bit of good weather last week but for the most part it is just gloomy and chilly here in Seaside. I will say though, as much as I complain about being here the one thing I LOVE is my house! Josh and I agree all the time that as much as some parts of being here suck, we are so spoiled with our house! It can be a little bit of a pain sometimes being farther from school (it is still only a 10-15 min drive) but we love having our big house! It will be a shocker going to back home to a small apartment from this! We have friends over all the time to hang out and have dinner! Mostly because we are the only ones with a house big enough to accommodate lots people at one time! It is a lot of fun though... So enough of my bragging, here are the pics to prove it

 Josh and I worked together to plant these flowers! We wanted to add a little personality to the house! Surprising they are doing great! I worried that they wouldn't grow! Wish I could say the same for the flowers in the pot we planted. Not doing so well.....
 Very empty guest room! Josh usually ends up sleeping here most nights. More for his sake than mine. I sleep terribly and keep him up, and since he needs to be up most mornings by 4 or 5 it's better for him

 Deacons room, so far... its still pretty empty but it is getting put together slowly but surely!
 As stated before, most all the rooms are big and empty! It's nice having all the room though! This is our room!
 Prepping for our 4th of July BBQ! I think the guest total was 14! Yikes!
Not pictured are also a big completely empty dining room and a couple of bathrooms! We also have a fenced backyard but aside from a patio it is all dirt and weeds so not anything to show off. I'm sure you can tell from the kitchen out house is a little unique. It is a wheelchair accessible home! It makes some things a little different but actually is awesome because it makes the house feel so much bigger with the big hallways and such

Josh and I are doing really well! Deacon is growing and getting bigger everyday. He kicks like crazy and Josh gets a kick out of seeing my belly look possessed. I'm just starting to show a little. I still think it is more pudgy then baby looking but hopefully soon enough there will be no mistaking that there is a baby in there! Josh keeps really busy with school and was just called to be Scout Master!! Can you believe it! I say he deserves it. All that time with no calling at church and now he gets a really big one. He is really excited about it though and I really think he will do a great job with it!!

Other news, I got a job! Big shocker I know! It is perfect though! I am just nannying for one little baby boy (2 months) a couple days a week for a few hours each day! It is a great way to earn a little extra money for Deac and gives me a little something to do!
I miss everyone at home so much! I can't wait to visit in August, and I really hope everyone will be able to make it to the baby shower!!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Together AT LAST!

Great News! I survived the drive to Cali and Josh and I are finally together! It is beautiful out here. Only problem now is... I am so lost every time we go anywhere. So today while Josh is in class I am holding up in our hotel (not to shabby considering we have a very nice room).
 I am terrified to go anywhere! Josh made me promise to get out of our room so I followed orders, well kinda. If leaving our room to go downstairs and have some breakfast counts then I am golden for the day. And I vote that it counts. I am dreading Wednesday when I have to venture out on my own to sign our leasing papers for our house and go grocery shopping. EEK! I am such a baby. And after this week I have to start finding a job. That is a frightening thought in a of itself. Where the heck am I gonna work!?
With all the whining aside let me point out some exciting happenings. Baby is now 10 weeks along. I called and made an appointment with an OBGYN out here. I'm kinda nervous since I have no idea what to expect out here and know nothing about this doc but it was pretty slim pickins for tricare authorized OB's out here so crossing my fingers she is good.
There are lots of fun shops around and Cannery Row is awesome. The best part is there is a Ghiradeli! I had the most amazing ice cream cone that really hit the spot! YUM and I had to text Britt and rub it in! Love ya sis. !

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The "Bean"

As most of you know by now Josh and I are HAVING A BABY!!!! We are so excited! Today our little bean (or little blob, more fitting to the current pic!) is 8 week old! Most everyone has their bets placed for a boy and I don't have any feelings right now either way! So we'll just have to wait and see! And everyone knows how patient I am ;) It is going to be a long 12 weeks till we find out!!

This is going to be a big year! We are moving to Cali, have a baby, and who knows what else! We love all our friends and family so much and are so grateful for the support we have received so far! We will miss you and expect visits!